Dec 1, 2013 | Marmot, Winter 2013

Calamity hits Rhodesian cryptozoologist’s Sasquatch findings.

Calamity has hit a Rhodesian cryptozoologist who reported a sasquatch sighting at Mount Washington Alpine Resort a year ago.

As the Marmot Newspaper reported in its Spring/Summer 2013 edition, Khodu Modumo had stumbled upon what he suspected was a sasquatch helping guard a den of marmots just below the ridge near the Outback. He was able to recover a handful of hair near the mouth of the den and shipped it back to his brother’s lab in Africa to test its DNA.

Modumo was at his brother’s lab last winter preparing to test the DNA when an explosion occurred in the lab next door, contaminating Modumo’s sample with alcindoromycine, a rare anthracycline antiobiotic agent.

Modumo said he and his brother will return to Mount Washington Alpine Resort once the snow melts in 2014 in an attempt to recover a new sample for examination.

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