Jul 1, 2016 | Marmot, Summer 2016

Enjoy Hiking Forbidden Plateau and Paradise Meadows…

The following guidelines will help to ensure that the Forbidden Plateau area remains pristine for all who venture there.

HIKING TRAILS – Please stay on designated trails, stay off revegetated areas and avoid taking shortcuts.

CAMPING – Designated camping sites are located at Lake Helen Mackenzie, Kwai, Circlet and McKenzie-Douglas lakes. Please use the tent pads and toilets where provided. If a tent pad is unavailable choose a site that has exposed soil or will not easily be impacted.

FIRES – Campfires are prohibited. Please pack a campstove for cooking.

CACHE YOUR FOOD! BC Parks has installed new metal food caches at Lake Helen MacKenzie, Kwai Lake and Circlet Lake campsites.

GARBAGE – Help keep the backcountry clean. Pack out all garbage and please pick up any litter you see. Please do not use outhouses for trash receptacles.

PETS – Please keep your pet on a leash at all times. Free running pets can harm other animals, irritate other visitors and can be harmed by wild animals. Do not allow your pet to swim in the lakes as this could contaminate drinking water sources.

GROUPS – Larger groups of people tend to concentrate use in an area and cause extensive damage to the fragile vegetation. To reduce these impacts, we recommend that group size be restricted to ten or less people. Where this is not possible, the larger group should be split into smaller groups which should travel and if possible camp in different locations.

WATER – Drinking water is available from the lakes at all designated campgrounds. All drinking water should be boiled or purified prior to consumption. Please avoid swimming in these areas as it may contaminate the water supply. It is also important to use the toilets and grey water pits provided to keep these pollutants from entering the lake.

SAFETY – To avoid bear conflicts while camping, never leave food, garbage or toilet articles in your tent. Please use pack sack hangers provided at designated campgrounds. Hikers should make noise
when approaching blind corners to warn off bears and other animals. Mountain Weather can change without warning, be prepared. Take spare, warm clothing and rain gear. It is advisable to leave an itinerary of your trip with a friend or relative.

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