Jan 1, 2001 | Marmot, Summer 2001

Local Area Plan Update

A public hearing was held at Mt. Washington in mid-June to invite comment on Mt. Washington‚s new Local Area Plan.

The plan is designed to guide the growth and development of the resort and protect the natural environment of the plan area. “I think we‚ve come up with a document that everybody‚s comfortable with,” Gibson said. “It gives us the ability to grow, but addresses all the questions that were raised through the public process. “The most significant thing is we go from being able to develop 750 units to 2,200, that gives us room to grow. At the same time there‚s enough control in the plan to make sure it‚s done in an orderly way. Environmental and social needs will be addressed as we go along,” he said. A secondary document lists items that still need to be worked out, like water and sewer provisions. The Comox-Strathcona Regional District still needs to vote on the LAP.

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