Dec 1, 2012 | Marmot, Winter 2012

Mount Washington is going viral.

Last year Mount Washington’s Facebook page was a busy online community, and now there are nearly 15,000 people who have "liked" their page. They have more than 4,600 followers on Twitter as well. Promotional videos are all over YouTube and Vimeo too, and garner between 4 - 6,000 views.

Curtain uses the Twitter and Facebook pages to spread the word about Mount Washington, but it’s not a sell job. “For us, the big thing with social media is you aren’t trying to do a sales pitch, you’re trying to create stories and content that are engaging for people. Social media is talking to your existing customer base.

“At the end of the day, you don’t want to be bombarded by sales messages.”

This year Curtain intends to post more videos showcasing what the Resort has to offer. “We’re looking for funny instances that happen on the hill. It’s almost like using video as an educational tool for our visitors.”

He also has a number of bloggers lined up to post content like photos, video and stories. The numbers supporting use of social media are hard to deny, says Curtain.

On a weekday in November, Curtain took a photo of one of the snow-covered peaks at the Resort and posted it on Facebook. Within hours he had 840 likes, 91 shares and 30 comments. “On one photo with snow,” he says.

“Everybody’s asking about metrics. Is that going to translate into sales? I don’t know, but that’s hard data. That’s where I think social media really works.”

“It’s possible to overdo it with social media”, says Curtain, “with all the choices out there. We’re examining every aspect of social media because there are so many options out there and we want to know what’s best for our customers.”

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