Dec 1, 2006 | Marmot, Winter 2006

“Spirit Sasquatch” proposed as 2010 Olympic Mascot

His hairy countenance has graced blurry photos in some of the world’s most read newspapers. And now there are those who think he should be Vancouver’s official Olympic mascot for 2010.

Sasquatch has captured the public’s imagination for generations. The bulk of the world’s sightings have come from the Pacific Northwest, and Sasquatch is rumoured to own his own vacation territory at Mount Washington and the surrounding Strathcona Park.

With the development of Mount Washington Alpine Resort’s Nordic Training Centre in time for the 2010 Winter Olympics, we feel Sasquatch would be an ideal fit with the Olympics.

Sasquatch clearly has the public’s support: at the International Sand Castle Competition at Vancouver’s PNE last summer Damon Langlois’ 10-tonne sculpture of Sasquatch (shown right) won the people’s choice award . He’s enigmatic, fit (he has to be – he travels hundreds of kilometres a week in search of food) and quiet. He likes sunsets, moonlit dinners and long walks in the alpine.

If his tall, dark and handsomeness isn’t convincing enough, perhaps the Olympic Committee would go for the white-furred Spirit Sasquatch (at least we think he’s white-furred; we haven’t actually seen him)

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