Jul 1, 2008 | Marmot, Summer 2009

Strathcona Wilderness Institute Family Programs

Summer Programs

Sun, July 5 • Birth of a Sub-Alpine Summer Helen Mackenzie / Battleship Lake Loop. Observe the thaw and appearance of life in this easy 3 hour hike. Meet at the interpretation center at 11:00 am. Bring food and water.

Sun, July 12 • Rocks and Flowers Author and naturalist E. Chris Pielou talks about geology and early sub-alpine flowers.

Sat, July 18 • Celebrate Parks Day with Strathcona Wilderness Institute and friends, 10:00 – 4:00 pm. Meet some of the groups and people involved with Strathcona Park, like Comox Valley Ground Search and Rescue. Look for more details in your local newspapers.

Sun, July 19 • Meet Your Sub-Alpine Trees Registered professional forester Margaret Symon shares fascinating facts about the trees and the ecology of the area. May go longer than two hours if the weather is nice.

Sun, July 26 • Lakes, Lakes, Lakes Hike and picnic at Croteau Lake. An easy to moderate 5 hour hike travels over very uneven terrain through old growth forests and past beautiful lakes. Meet at the interpretation center at 10:00 am. Bring lunch and water.

Sun, Aug 2 • Watersheds and Mountains of Strathcona Provincial Park Link high altitude lakes to familiar lowland rivers and learn where all the famous mountains and glaciers lay using the Strathcona Park model at the interpretation center as a focal piece. Short hike may follow.

Sun, Aug 9 • Sub-Alpine Flowers Local expert Fred Constable provides an in depth look at the mid-summer flowers of Paradise Meadows.

Sun, Aug 16 • Damsels and Dragon The shiny flyers. Naturalist Tyler Johns brings his nets for families to learn about the insects in Paradise Meadows. Starts at 10:00 am!

Sun, Aug 23 • Leaves and Stars Capturing solar energy on earth. Astronomer stream-keeper Roy Myers uses unique visuals to relate the properties of leaves and makes some astonishing cosmic connections.

Sun, Aug 30 • Hike to Lake Beautiful and Cruickshank Canyon A spectacular hike through beautiful meadows and forests to an amazing viewpoint. This moderate to strenuous hike will take 8 – 9 hours return. Bring LOTS of water and food. Meet at the Info Hut by 8:00 am.

To find out more about the Strathcona Wilderness Institute and programs visit our website: www.strathconapark.org or call 250-337-1871.

For more program details contact the Strathcona Wilderness Institute at 250-285-3181.

The volunteers there can update you on trail conditions and hiking destinations. For all programs please remember to be prepared for all weather conditions and to tread lightly through the park.

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