Jul 1, 2003 | Marmot, Summer 2003

The View from Here

Let’s face it, my family and I are not the type that sit home and watch television night after night.

We love to get out and see the world and meet all kinds of wonderful people. We love to hear about their homelands and we love to share information about ours. There is nothing like educating people to help pique their interest in your own neck of the woods.

This spring we had the great opportunity to take a cruise through the Panama Canal. It was the experience of a lifetime and we met people from all over the world. It is amazing how many of them know about Vancouver Island or ‘Victoria Island’ as they seem so fond of calling it and most of them have no idea it’s close to the same size as Cuba. So, it’s not surprising that most of them are shocked to discover that British Columbia’s third busiest ski resort is nestled right at the heart of this island.

Oh, they’ve heard of Whistler all right but there wasn’t much acknowledgement of Blackcomb, nor of Big White or even Silver Star and yet, once in a while, someone knew someone, who knew someone who had skied at Mount Washington and loved it. And the resounding reply we received from those who knew of our mountain was, “Isn’t that the place where they get all that snow?”

We can’t help smiling when we hear that because tons of snow means two things. Tons of great skiing and tons of shoveling.
But it also means that Mount Washington has a unique alpine environment that is open for everyone to enjoy throughout the year. From red snow patches in the winter to alpine meadow flower patches in the summer, this is a truly special destination for our visitors from around the world.

With the Olympics coming in 2010 we welcome the opportunity to share our homeland with people from around the globe. Come and enjoy Mount Washington and the Comox Valley, our super natural jewels in British Columbia’s crown.

Rick Gibson

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